Friday, April 01, 2005


I just wrote a massive post, and when I posted it, it said "Timed out" and I lost the lot. I'm now too annoyed to write it all. I might have another go tomorrow.

Make a copy of your text before you click "Publish Post" when using blogger, otherwise you may lose what you have just typed. And the more you have typed, the more likely you will lose the lot. Bloody annoying to say the least.

Well.... Blogger have added a "recover post" button now on the create post editor. Brilliant stuff. I want to make it clear that I was at no time having a go at Blogger (They let me have this Blog here for free after all!), I accept that timeout is a problem with online data entry scripts. They do time out, and when one is using them, one must take care to back up data before hitting the submit button, I was more having a go at myself for expecting it not to have timed out after half an hour. I certainly didn't expect Blogger to address the problem as they have. Well done Blogger.

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