Sunday, March 19, 2006

Harold Scruby Nominated for Bent Spoon Award

Harold Scruby has been nominated for a Bent Spoon Award on the Australian Skeptics website.

The reasons for nomination are well explained:

Nominee: Harold Scruby
Nominated by: David Perkins
Date: 21/12/2005

For his constant refusal to let facts get in the way of an argument. This guy:

* ran over a jogger in his car, then got off because it was the joggers fault,
* created a rule to not allow Japanese or Korean people into the exclusive Cabbage Treet club (not only has the rule been overturned, so has his membership),
* was the whole Ausflag debate from a few years ago....,
* is currently the president of the Pedestrian Council of One. He is anti 4WD at the moment (despite driving one himself), anti bullbar (despite being the spokesperson for a type of bull bar!)(see Smartbar), and just basically a pain in the neck.

All his facts are taken from surveys of his mates, or statistics selected specifically to suit his needs. For example, one of his oft quoted facts is that 90% of 4WD's never see dirt, despite 32% of 4WD's being registered in Rural/ non-urban postcodes.... Another example would be the misguided opinion that 4WD's are responsible for most pedestrian accidents. RTA statistics prove that 4WD's, Utes and Vans together account for 15% of pedestrian fatalities (despite being around 25% of the vehicles on the road), wheras 66% of fatalities are caused by sedans!

See for confirmation of facts.

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