Sunday, December 18, 2005

Inept State Government and Inadequate Policing Lead to Violence in Sydney

As a longtime resident of Sydney, I have a little to say on this.
The recent happenings in Cronulla and Sydney are NOT racially related. They were NOT caused by racist people being racist. (Although those with a racist axe to grind certainly took advantage of the occasion.)
They have been caused by a lack of proper policing and an inept state govenment, which over the last ten years has lead to the rise of gang culture and increasing incidents where "regular" people are subjected to abuse and intimidation in public places.
So, all world leaders take note: Have a look at Sydney, Australia. This is what happens when you stuff up law and order.
The citizens take to the streets, in an attempt to do the job of the police. Even more innocent people end up getting hurt, and you end up with what we have here now: One huge mess.
I won't be going to the beach this summer.

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