Thursday, November 24, 2005

Critical Mass Bicycle Idiots Hold Up Sydney

As if Sydney doesn't have enough traffic problems, and arrogant cyclists holding up traffic.

A group who call themselves "Critical Mass" take to the streets of Sydney every month on their bikes during rush hour, travelling across the harbour bridge, causing traffic chaos. It is amazing that they are allowed to do this. It's also amazing that people could be so inconsiderate and arrogant.

People wonder why cyclists often bear the brunt of road rage. This bunch of fools are responsible for that. The cops should take them away in paddy wagons, and confiscate their bikes for three months.

What is the difference between me stopping in the middle of the harbour bridge and ripping a massive burnout for 5 minutes (Which I would get charged with negligent driving, have my car confiscated, and quite rightly too.) and what these misguided idiots are doing.

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