Friday, June 10, 2005

Finally a weekend off

Well, I'm about to get a full two days off, one after the other, for the first time I can remember. It's going to be great, I've been pushing myself for the last few months. Working tomorrow, and I have Sunday off as I normally do, and Monday is a public holiday, which I have decided not to work. It will be nice to do a few things around the house, do the washing, change oil and fuel filters on the car, plus fix a few other things I haven't had time to pay attention to since I brought it, like the heater fan speed resistor is dead, roof lining sagging, and of course, I want to hook up the ALDL datalink with my new laptop. I also have a leaking transmission which I have to look at. At the moment the underside of the car is filthy, so I'll gurney it all off on the weekend and have a good look. I hate leaking cars. Even if it is an auto. The auto gear box has it's writing on the wall, I'm currently looking for a T5 manual transmission to replace it with.
I was going to mow the lawn too this weekend, but it doesn't need it. It's that dry that even though I haven't mowed it for 5 weeks now, it's only grown about half a centimeter. Suits me fine.

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