Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Spell Checking your Site is important

I've just finished the tedious task of running a spell-check on the descriotions database for our main product site. It's a horrible thing to do, but I found well over a thousand mistakes. Mainly just typographical errors from putting in a couple of hundred products a day.

If a user lands on your page, after doing a specific search on Google for your product, and they see a basic word spelled incorrectly, they may or may not look down on the site, why take the risk. Besides, it looks unprofessional.

I have also heard that correct spelling can contribute to a better ranking on the search engines. I don't know if this is because if you spell the work correctly, it is more likely to be searched for, or if Google runs a filter of some kind to penalize sites that have poor spelling. I wouldn't be surprised if they do to some extent, as it would be a good way to sort poorly prepared "slapped togeather sites (like this one:) from the serious professional ones.

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