Friday, January 13, 2006

Don't Use

I've finally come to the end of what I am willing to accept from our new webhosts. A while ago I posted that we went with a new host, It turns out that they are anything but skilled.
We set up our accounts, uploaded our sites, and paid $100 to have a dedicated SSL certificate installed on one of the sites.
Shortly after, the whole lot fell over for three days, including SkilledHost's main site. When it came up again all data and settings were lost. They apologised, and I said okay, and proceeded to upload my files again.
The dedicated SSL certificate was lost with the server settings, and after two months and repeated requests, emails and support tickets, we are still to have the service re-instated. At first they replied to a couple of messages, saying that everything was lost and that they would have to set it up again. Now they don't even reply to them. Although the sites are up, without the SSL we cannot use them for their intended purpose.
I know two months is way too long to be patient for something like this, but I have had other things to do, and I was hoping they would sort it out, because their service and price was just right for us.
Having read a bit on the forums, it would appear that I am not the only one having problems with SkilledHost. You can read more about how they run their business here, here, another one here, another one from DigitalPoint forums here, and here's a review.
I just wish I read those threads before I signed up with them, but they weren't ranking in Google at the time.
So, this weekend, I am researching new hosts and I am going to be giving SkilledHost the flick on Monday. We will also demanding a refund for the SSL.

1 comment:

John said...

:) Someone actually got angry enough to make an entire site. SkilledHost do suck. I'm really lucky I didn't trust them with any of our important sites.