Monday, January 23, 2006 - These Guys Rock

Well, we're a few weeks into our hosting with, after giving and their poor service and monumental incompetence the flick.
All I can say is that these guy are real pros. The service is working just as well as it was when I first set it up, and hasn't gone down, at all.
Anyone looking for a cheap host without cheap service should try these guys. They are adult friendly too.

Well, it's now November 2006, and all I can say about HostHead is that they still rock. Not a single glitch in their service, and I recommend them to everyone. And no, I don't have any affiliation with them. I just found them one day. My level of enthusiam for them as a hosting company is probably amplified by the woeful performance of the original hosting company we used for this project: As it turned out, they were anything but skilled.

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