Thursday, September 29, 2005

Google Earth

I have just found a new product offered by Google, called Google Earth. Google Earth is basically a software package which allows you to look at the world as a 3D globe, and zoom into any part. The globe is covered by sattelite images, and can be zoomed in to the point where individual people and cars can be seen. The section of the map being looked at is downloaded from Google in real time, so there is a slight lag, but it's well worth it, especially when you consider how much you get to see. I wouldn't want to use it on a dial-up connection though.

The hills and valleys are also mapped and rendered in 3D, and many features of America are mapped extensively, including gas stations, hotels etc. This is just a brilliant way to spend a few hours. You can go to the Pyramids, or check out the Grand Canyon. I checked out my parent's house and saw my red car parked out the front. It's just the coolest thing I've seen in a long time.

The entire globe is covered by sattelite images, which are updated on a 3 year rolling basis, so unfortunately you can't check on things in real time, although this is probably a good thing otherwise everyone would be conducting surveillence on each other.

Here is a screen shot of what Google Earth looks like:

As you can see, Sydney harbour, the Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.

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