Monday, March 28, 2005

An interesting useless scraper site.

I've noticed this site: ht*p:// . (There are also other identical sites on other domains) It's basically a series of pages (Many thousands of them), with each page directed at a certain random popular keyphrases. The content of the page is: A series of meaningless pictures of fish and cars, the keyphrase is repeated a couple of times, with adwords ads, and a list of links and descriptions for top ranking sites for that particular keyphrase. These look to have been scraped from search results.

Pages from this site are coming up pretty high in the search results for some pretty big terms, and I got curious as to how such a crap site could outrank so many legitimate sites. I did a backlink check in Google, and it shows 1460 backlinks, all from what are legitimate sites which, after inspecting the source, do not link to

This guy is somehow successfully convincing G that other sites are linking to him when in fact they are not. I'm sure it won't be long before his site vanishes from the index, I've noticed the ads have been disabled and are just showing comunity service ads, so it can't be making much money anymore.

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